Maria Montessori, the molecular biologist Sir C P Snow and the engineer Buckminster Fuller, warned that modern science must be reunited with the Classical Greek life science Humanities in order to prevent the destruction of civilization. They stressed that the obstacle preventing this was an inadequate understanding of the second law of thermodynamics. Fuller balanced that law with his synergetic biological energy derived from the Classical Greek world view. Fullerene fractal logic has now been used to establish a new life science in defiance of the present fixed world view. Fuller considered that the catalyst for avoiding oblivion would be via the Arts. It can be argued that the Western educational system is actually preventing the new balanced understanding of the second law, which Montessori referred to as the greed energy law, by employing a culture of fear, in particular concerning the second law of thermodynamics.Firstly, the existence of a more general culture of fear within the Australian educational system is now a common knowledge concept. Leading up to the June, 2010, removal of the Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, allegations of organized greed within the educational system concerning billions of dollars allocated for the construction of school buildings were continually reported by the national newspaper, The Australian. On June 30th a front page story reported that a 14 million dollar task force established to investigate the issue was unlikely to hear complaints about the schools stimulus program from 110 NSW principals. The investigation team could not offer those principals “anonymity” and they were consequently silenced by a “culture of fear”, emanating from the NSW Education department.Secondly, a far more serious aspect of coercion within the Australian educational system was alluded to within a Higher Education article published by The Australian on March 8th 2006, entitled ‘Muzzling of Science’, written by Professor Julian Cribb, Editor of the R&D REVIEW at the University of Technology in Sydney. Professor Cribb wrote “Publish or perish used to be the mantra by which the researcher lived or died. Today, according to an increasing number of eminent scientists in unpopular fields, Australian researchers can do both”. He defined ‘unpopular’ as “any of those fields of science liable to produce evidence unsettling to the fixed world-view held by governments, business, special interest lobbies or that most anonymous and unaccountable of research controllers, the stakeholders”. Professor Cribb explained how reprisals were being enforced, noting that once enacted, it is hard in science to find another job that isn’t in a taxi.The second complaint about a culture of fear within the Australian educational system is directly relevant to the second law of thermodynamics because that law entirely governs the fixed world view controlling university education in Australia. In 1996 the Australian government was taken to task in an Open Letter to the United Nations Secretariat for committing crimes against humanity because of that fact. A several year peer review investigation by the United Nations University Millennium Project, Australasian Node, resulted in a official endorsement of that complaint on September 5th, 2006.The expenditure of 14 million dollars in Australia to investigate general greed allegations within the educational system is a paltry figure compared to the tens of millions of pounds sterling spent in England attempting to discover new technologies from Sir Isaac Newton’s unpublished more profound physics principles to balance the mechanical description of the universe. Newton’s balanced world view was in defiance of the present fixed world view. Classification of the balancing physics principles as a criminal heresy by some people can be considered as part of the fear culture that will not tolerate challenges to the present fixed world view, which is governed by what Montessori called the greed energy law.The growing unsettling evidence supporting numerous challenges to the fixed world view’s understanding of the second law of thermodynamics can be considered to represent an attempt to bridge Sir C P Snow’s widening culture gap between modern entropic science and the negentropic life science of the Classical Greek Humanities. From the evidence presented within this article we might well consider Buckminster Fuller’s consideration justifiable, that it will be up to the artistic creative thinkers of the world to prevent
the unbalanced second law bringing about the destruction of civilization.Copyright (c) Robert Pope 2010
Unsecured Personal Loans for Bad Credit: The Advantages and Disadvantages
Loan approval is never guaranteed and rarely to be relied upon. Offering no security with the deal can make the chances of approval even less likely, but even when it comes to applying for unsecured personal loans for bad credit, there is always a chance of success.In some cases, bad credit borrowers do not even attempt to submit an application for an unsecured loan deal because they are convinced that rejection is the only result. But it is worth noting that securing loan approval with poor credit scores is not an uncommon outcome.Still, there are definite criteria to meet and several compromises to accept. So, like any other loan, there are advantages and disadvantages to getting an unsecured personal loan. Taking the time to know what they are is always useful for an applicant.Advantages of Unsecured LoansThe biggest advantage to getting an unsecured personal loan for bad credit is the general ease in getting it approved. It might seem strange to say this, but loans provided specifically for bad credit borrowers are usually structured to allow high approval rates.In many cases, no credit checks are carried out and this saves a considerable bit of time when seeking approval with poor credit scores. When credit histories are ignored, approval can be provided in just a few minutes (even seconds) and cash can be secured in just 2 hours.Finally, the unsecured personal loans made available to bad credit borrowers have fixed interest rates. This makes budgeting very simple, greatly enhancing the affordability of the loan in the long run.Disadvantages of Unsecured LoansOf course, amongst the main disadvantages of securing an unsecured personal loan for bad credit management is that the interest rate is usually much higher than normal. This is understandable, since the lack of collateral means the lender is at risk of losing their money. The higher interest rate is designed to lessen the potential losses.Also, the size of the loan is usually quite low, with loan limits restricted in another effort to ensure the smallest possible losses. Often the loans range from just $100 to $1,500, with loans up to $10,000 possible in certain loan deals. Remember, when granting approval with poor credit scores, the lender is accepting all of the risk.When it comes to payday loans, the repayment period is typically extremely short, sometimes just 14 days. In such cases, a small unsecured personal loan is preferable anyway. Larger loans can have terms of 90 days or perhaps 180 days.Getting Loan ApprovalOf course, getting approval for an unsecured personal loan for bad credit is not very easy. But as with all loans, if the criteria are met and the right boxes ticked, then approval is likely. When it comes to a payday loan, a large enough monthly paycheck is required since it is granted against this single factor.Getting approval with poor credit scores on larger loans can be helped by detailing what the purpose of the loan is, and providing details of what it will be spent on. Stating that it is for debt consolidation, for example, can be very helpful since the lender knows the purpose is constructive not frivolous.Still, it all comes down to affordability, and so long as the monthly repayments are available, the green light on an unsecured personal loan is a real possibility.
The Myth Of Inventory Finance Companies
Your company carries it. You need to finance it. We’re of course talking about inventory. Discussions with clients reveal a lot of misconceptions around inventory financing in Canada. Let’s try and resolve some of those myths around the financing of your inventory, who the players are, who they are not ( that’s the most common myth ) and we’ll also try and provide some straight forward direction on next steps in your inventory financing challenge.The overall quality of your inventory management will play a large part in your ability to finance your products, which are a part of the current assets component of your balance sheet. You cannot overlook the importance that an inventory lender will place on your ability to report and count your products. The reality is that most firms are either carrying a ‘ continuous’ or ‘ ‘periodic’ system of inventory control.So here is solid tip # 1 – be aware that inventory lenders prefer a continuous type of inventory accounting, for all the obvious reasons. Essentially you are counting and monitoring inventory (with the use of software of course!) at all times. That’s a good thing when it comes to a lenders valuation on an ongoing basis and their ability to lend.You’re company is growing. Unfortunately so is your inventory! And that places a huge drain on your cash flow. The working capital cycle dictates that cash turns into inventory which turns into receivables and then we start all over… that lag can be anywhere from 60 – 120 days, sometimes longer. Never underestimate the problem that higher sales will bring to your inventory financing needs.Clients typically are looking for inventory financing because the level of investment that you have in product and receivables drains your cash flow. As sales volumes increase your cash flow decreases based on your overall collection period of A/R and of course those inventory turns.Your sales staff of course never wants to be in a position to tell a customer you don’t have the product they have worked so hard to sell.Does your company have an inventory financing strategy? The majority of firms we talk to in Canada, certainly in the small and medium business sector do not have access to the inventory financing they need. Do true inventory financing companies exist in Canada? We feel that the answer is generally ‘ no ‘, they do not. However if your firm would consider an asset based lending scenario that in effect takes the place of inventory finance companies in Canada.Under an asset based lending strategy your inventory is margined for what its worth, by experts who categorically know what its worth. You will enhance your ability to finance your product if you have the controls, reporting, and inventory accounting system in places that makes the inventory and asset based lender ‘ comfortable ‘.Speak to a trusted, credible, and experienced business financing advisor with regards to inventory financing companies and asset based lenders who will give your product the financing it deserves!